We don't have one of these installed at the Market, but at this point in the year, it seems like time to install one. Will it be sunny? Will it rain? Should we bring a rain jacket or a hoodie? The answer to all of those is a solid "probably."
Rain or shine -- and hopefully more shine than rain -- we're open 9 am - 2 pm, and you know we're always going to bring something new. Come out and see us, even if it's just for a quick and easy stroll. We have plenty of parking for the mobility challenged, and as always, we offer curbside delivery for those who prefer it. If you need to get in touch with your vendor to arrange an order, here's who's coming out this weekend:
Annette Solomon
C.H. Bowling Produce/Fox Run Farm
Zekiah Ridge Farm/Bliss in the Barn
Food Trucks: