...and let's hope last weekend's weather doesn't come back to visit. Yeah, we're looking at you, Maryland weather.
Coming to you on Opening Day (this Saturday, April 2, 9AM-2PM) are most of your favorites, plus some new folks, plus some visiting folks! We've also got a new layout for your strolling pleasure or whatever wheels you need to get around easier.
Ugly Duckling Farmstead (new this season!)
Redwood Panda (new this season!)
Custom Designs by Annette
Sweet Street Donuts (fingers crossed for parts delivery!)
It's been too long, friends! We're so looking forward to seeing you.
And if you've never visited us before, we look forward to meeting you! Here's your first farmers market pro tip: walk the whole market first, like you're checking out what's on the buffet before you start picking stuff out.